Data-efficient optimisation of 3D printing jobs

Short description:

  • Oqton is solving today’s manufacturing challenges with an AI-driven factory operating system
  • 3D printing is a flexible technology allowing for more versatility and faster changeovers in modern manufacturing

Work performed:

  • Custom-made Bayesian optimization module development

Added value:

  • Multi-objective optimization of price and quality
  • Support for multi-fidelity simulations
  • Designed to scale and kickstart new cases

Oqton believes that manufacturing is going through its biggest disruption since the first industrial revolution, that the culmination of decades of development in the cloud, artificial intelligence, sensors, robotics and additive manufacturing put the industry on the brink of connected and adaptive factories. They are applying artificial intelligence to real manufacturing data, making it actionable by both humans and machines. Oqton is on a mission to accelerate making autonomous manufacturing accessible to companies of all sizes, enabling the continuous flexibility and adaptability of manufacturing processes.

This case was presented at AI4Growth second thematic session. On the website, the presentations can be consulted.


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