Jarne Demeulemeester joins our technical team

ML2Grow is holding to its ambitions by attracting a new software engineer that will be pivotal in keeping healthy growth for the company.

Jarne has a bachelor in ‘Smart XR development’ and a bachelor in ‘AI engineering’.  As a software engineer, he will analyze our existing (data) pipelines and suggest ideal changes to the flow to introduce impactful AI models.

“I have always been fascinated by computers. Ever since I had my first computer I started to tinker with it and experiment with what is possible with them. Eventually, I started learning to program and I loved it, this also lead me to study Multimedia & Creative Technology at Howest. I like to create software that has a positive impact on people whilst being as efficient as possible. The ever-evolving industry also means there’s always something new to look forward to. Together with ML2Grow, I will continue this passion!”.

Welcome to the team!

And You?