Create a competitive advantage with AI
The pace at which artificial intelligence has been evolving in the past decade is mind-blowing. Yet, like many technologies, AI cannot create value as a stand-alone component. Rather, it often plays a small, essential role in a bigger picture. Did you know that Netflix was one of the first companies that realized this? Already in 2016, they awarded a 1 million USD price (The Netflix Price) to the person or team who could improve their in-house developed AI recommendation technology, making a firm public statement of the importance of AI for their business. Just like Netflix, Amazon and other companies has publically attributed a large part of their success to adopting AI technology faster than its competitors.
The rise and success of these nowadays giant tech companies often creates the perception that AI is something exclusive for large non-European enterprises. Since its inception, ML2Grow has been on a mission to show that this is not the case. In the past seven years we have had the pleasure of working with companies of all sizes, ranging from Bel20 companies to start-ups active in all sectors, public and private. E.g. did you hear about our innovation experiment with the emergency services (Noodcentrale) on Nerdland?
How ML2Grow strives to be ideal innovation partner
At ML2Grow, we combine our in-depth technical knowledge with our desire to innovate with AI technology. In innovation projects, we often take on different roles: developer, creator, facilitator, coordinator, creator, mentor, etc. Our main focus is bringing your idea to reality in a time and cost-efficient way. Our approach can be considered unique in the following ways:
- Vendor-neutral, yet compatible with all common data platforms and cloud systems: remain flexible, avoid vendor-locking.
- Focus on AI adoption: we understand the need for company-wide integration and adoption of the solution.
- Guided by our AI roadmap: a means to structure your journey from ideation to integration.
- Business-oriented: we are problem-solvers first, AI experts second.
- Long-term partnership: we are a trusted partner in every part of the journey
National (VLAIO) and international funding for innovation projects
The government agency ‘Flanders innovation & entrepreneurship’ (Vlaams Agenschap voor Innoveren en Ondernemen – VLAIO) supports organization that want to take their business to the next level.
Whether you are developing a new technology, building a new prototype, improving your company processes or performing a feasibility study, chances are that some risks are involved if new knowledge need to be acquired.
With their you can strengthen your growth plans and accelerate them.
Making use of AI is no longer being considered as a stand-alone criterion if the project is subject to receive funding. Yet, there are many innovative services and product features that rely on AI technology, which can potentially be funded. ML2Grow, often supports its clients in the framework of VLAIO supported projects. We have experience in helping clients in e.g.:
- ‘Start-AI‘: A specialized program with 3 days of workshops to discover the possibilities of AI technology.
- ‘Haalbaarheidsstudie’: Gain better insights if a certain innovation is feasible by studying several key unknowns upfront.
In addition, ML2Grow provides services to companies working on specialized collaborative funded research projects, such as the prestigious SpaceBakery project, coordinated by Flanders Food.
How we operate in the context of funded innovation projects
Innovation projects, by definition, contain more unknowns and risks upfront when compared to standard development. As such, in most cases, it is not feasible to provide an exact cost or detailed development plan upfront. In this setting, ML2Grow aims to be a knowledgeable and flexible partner which you can rely on during all phases of the project.
- Pre-submission: we will help you mature your innovation idea into a full project proposal to be submitted. We will perform (technical) reviews of your project, provide you with technical details in the work packages, and we can act as a technical extension of the internal or external people who are preparing the project proposal.
- Custom developments: after approval, ML2Grow will use its expertise to kick-start your innovation project by coordinating and executing certain technical developments in close collaboration.
- Knowledge transfer: Throughout the project, we will focus on transferring our experience and knowledge into your company.
- Valorizing: after the project is executed, we continue to assist you to maximize the return on your investment.
Why consider to include AI in your innovation plans?
Andrew Ng, one of the leading AI pioneers worldwide who has held executive positions at Google Brain and Baidu, coined the phrase: “AI is the new electricity”. He continued on to say: “Just as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago, today I actually have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don’t think AI will transform in the next several years. At ML2Grow, we do not only share this belief, but we have the pleasure of being able to experience it every day by working with people and organizations that trust us with their creative and innovative ideas.
As every day, the possibilities of AI technology expand at a more rapid pace, we know this creates both challenges and opportunities for innovation. Opportunities, as being the first to spot an innovation, could result in a long-lasting competitive advantage. Challenging, as you need to keep track of the possibilities and limits of the technology. But don’t let the fear of missing out paralyze your creative brain, our experts are here to help.
Home of AI
What is it?
- The ‘Home of AI’ community pushes AI technology adoption in Flanders by offering an inspiring co-working space to innovative start-up companies, free-of-charge, where they can lay the foundations of successful AI products.
- We offer you an opportunity to meet AI experts and seasoned entrepreneurs, these informal talks can lay the foundations of your future success. Just come over and share a desk at our “Home of AI”.
- Events and talks are frequently organized to remain inspired by a fast-changing technology.
Who is it for?
Necessary requirements to apply are:
- Your start-up is or will be using AI technology in its service/product offering.
- Your start-up company has acquired or can demonstrate a clear plan or initiative to acquire the necessary funding to finance a go-to-market strategy (e.g. by procuring investments, loans or innovation/development subsidies).
- The start-up is not aiming to be a direct competitor of ML2Grow
Is it really free?
Yes, everything from coffee to internet access is offered free of charge to our community. We provide you with a worry-free place to bring your ideas to their maximum potential. In return, we ask you to be an active member of the community. The Home of AI community requires the initiative of its members to create value and increase awareness.
Interested to join?
Have a look at the Home of AI website for more information and feel free to contact us.